Members' Information

Garden Club Meetings --- How they work
Monthly meetings: 4th Thursday of the month
Stirling RSL (Apex Park) 5 Merrion Tce, Stirling, SA
Doors open at 7:00 pm, meeting commences at 7:30 pm
Daytime visits to gardens, nurseries etc. or workshops will also be programmed
Format of Monthly Meetings --
Show Bench:
Members bring along flowers from their garden creating a beautiful display of seasonal diversity. Members then vote for their two favourites and the plant considered to be the most unusual. The Show bench is a friendly competition with an overall winner announced at the end of the year. Its also a great way to learn or debate the name of your flower with other members.
A monthly fundraiser that helps keep membership fees low. Members bring along potted plants, produce or gardening books to raffle off on the night. This raffles helps to keep our fees low.
Monthly programmed event:
A varied and diverse program of invited speakers share their fields of expertise.
A 30 minute break allows members to have a chat with a cuppa and a shared supper.
Formal part of the meeting:
Low key but 'formal' part of the night administering the club. Minutes, treasurer report, correspondence, membership updates, generating lists of expressions of interest for upcoming events and sharing garden club information with members.
The evening concludes around 9.30pm.
Join Up
Membership is renewed annually from 1 March
Annual fees are:
Single : $30
Double $45
Add additional $15 if including Garden Clubs of Australia quarterly magazine subscription
50% discount if joining after 1 September
Direct payment of fees is appreciated. Banking details:
BSB 105079 Account no. 305225140 in the name of Stirling Hills Garden Club (or SHGC)
Gift subscriptions are also available. If you would like to gift a membership or join up
contact us for more details
Paid up members receive a membership card entitling you to additional benefits:
Present your card for Discounts to Members:
Crafers Garden Centre -- Garden Depot, Mt Barker -- Karkoo Nursery, Oakbank --
-- Smoult Horticultural Suppliers

Recurring annual meetings

Cuttings Swap
May is traditionally when we bring cuttings from our gardens (or friends gardens) to share.
For those that have not been before these are some guidelines.
Members bring cuttings, rooted cuttings, bulbs, corms, rhizomes a designated home garden
Usually cuttings are 30 cm or more in length and are tied together in some way.
Try to label everything you bring.
Bring your own pen, texta or pencil and paper bags, and something you can label cuttings you are taking home.
Winter Warmers
July meeting
Members bring either a soup, main course or dessert to share.
A roster of who will bring what dish is prearranged at the previous meeting or contact our Committee if you need to check.
Garden lunch
Morning tea, lunch and desert are shared in a different member's garden every year. A lovely social day with like-minded gardeners in a garden setting.